Enter URL to Create QR Code

Terms of Use

By using our link shortening and QR code generation service, you agree that the service is provided "as is" without any warranties. You are prohibited from using our service to obfuscate links that direct users to scams, malware, or any other malicious content. We reserve the right to cancel any shortened link or QR code suspected of abuse without prior notice and without the possibility of appeal or restoration. Use of our service constitutes acceptance of these terms.


We collect and store logs for statistical purposes, maintenance, and to prevent abuse of our service. When you provide your email address on our site, it will only be used to send you an email containing a link to generate your QR code. Your email address will not be stored unless you click the "Create QR Code" button in the email. If you choose to generate the QR code, your email address will be stored and used solely for contacting you regarding technical or legal matters related to your use of our service. We do not use your email address for any commercial purposes or share it with third parties. By using our service, you consent to this privacy policy.


qrp.li is a product of merien bv. © 2024 · report abuse at abuse@qrp.li · for more information contact info@qrp.lihome